Thursday 28 July 2016

Bed Time

Life has been crazy busy of late. Harry has been working all hours and, as well as trying to keep up with the business admin, I have had a lot of family commitments. There just haven't been enough hours in the day and we have both ended up exhausted by the time evening comes around. 

Harry bounces back as soon as his eyes are open but I am not a morning person at the best of times. I have to come back into the world s-l-o-w-l-y and with at least two cups of coffee. If I don't get enough sleep I am not nice to know, grouchy just doesn't cover it. Harry has been very helpful on the worst days, either by using his magic sleeping aid (why do we sleep like babies after a spanking?) or sending me to bed early.

That's another of the many things I thought I would never write. When I first started reading blogs, I was astonished to find women being sent to bed by their husbands. There was no way I'd put up with that, absolutely not!

Unfortunately, Harry must have missed that memo because one night, not long after my first 'real' spanking, I was up late reading when he came into the room, saying I should go to bed; the next day was going to be busy and I needed my sleep. I said I'd just get to the end of the chapter first and carried on reading. It was a gripping book and, two chapters later, Harry came back and told me to go upstairs or I'd get a spanking. I protested that he couldn't do that, I'm not a child, and I would go to bed when I was ready and not before. got spanked.

The following evening, as he was leaving for a late session at the local sports centre, Harry told me that as I'd had a long, tiring, day he wanted me to be in bed by the time he got home. That did not go down well, as you can imagine, and I was quite determined I was not going to comply. Much later, I was immersed in my book when my phone buzzed beside me with a text alert: "I'm just leaving, you have fifteen minutes." My resolve melted away and I dived into bed just as Harry drew up onto the drive. He knew I'd only just made it but he kissed me and said, "Good girl." I know some of you melt when you hear that but I loathe it, it makes me cringe. That amuses Harry, who uses it as a non-impact means of letting me know who's in charge.

I really struggled with the bed time issue and Harry was patient but unrelenting. The learning curve continued something like this:

H: Rosie, time for bed.
R: Okay, I just need to finish this, five minutes.
H: Do you want a spanking?
R: No, but...
H: No buts. Go. Now.
Still having trouble giving up control...

H: Rosie, time for bed.
R: Okay, I just need to...
H: (smack) Off you go.
R: Okay (kiss).
Getting there...

H: Rosie, time for bed.
R: Okay, night, night.
H: Sleep tight (smooch) (pat, pat).
Got it!

Sweet dreams,



  1. Hi Rosie, I love my bed, But I read when I am there, at all hours of the night. Hubby often wakes and sees my screen lit up, I do get told off but I am not showing him this post and giving him any ideas ;)
    love Jan, xx

    1. Oh, I don't know, it might not be such a bad idea to show it to John - a middle of the night spanking may be just the thing to help you back to sleep. Just a thought...
      Rosie xx

  2. Rosie,
    Love this post because it shows your progression into ttwd/submission. It is a learning curve to be sure. I think those starting out are helped by reading about your sweet evolution.

    1. Ah, the s-word. After three years I still can't bring myself to use it. I prefer to think of it as co-operation. Still a work in progress in many ways.
      Rosie xx

  3. I love this. Could Harry talk with Nick? I guess it wouldn't work. Nick goes to bed too early. It's the overall feeling of this that I really love.

    1. I have been amazed how assertive Harry has become in his quiet but determined way. He is a benign dictator but I am in no doubt who is in charge these days.
      Rosie xx

  4. Love this post Rosie and love bed time spanks. Who needs sleeping pills when you get your backside set on fire.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. I know, all those endorphins are so much better than a pill - and you get the happy, snuggly feeling too. Nothing like it!
      Rosie xx

  5. Loved this post and every one of the comments, too. Sam has become this way, too. He will come and take the Kindle out of my hands. Bossy and effective.

    Hugs Across the Pond,

    1. Bossy and effective, that's a good description. Harry is sometimes too bossy for my liking.
      Rosie xx

  6. I love how Harry has solved your sleep problem. Me and the Kindle have been known to still be together in the wee hours of the morning. Not so bad now because I'm retired but before...
    Ray was always long asleep so no repercussions here.

    1. I love the bed time spankings but I still don't like being sent to bed. I wouldn't like the kind of spanking I'd get if I didn't go though. Harry has come a long way in the last three years!
      Rosie xx

  7. I'm in bed before P these days. You can't beat a bedtime spanking. Loved your post Rosie.


  8. You're right Ronnie, you can't beat a bedtime spanking; nothing sends me to dreamland faster.
    Rosie xx

  9. This sounds like a great solution to sleepless nights! I have never had a long bedtime spanking, but I have had those stern swats sending me to sleep! I kinda get worked up in those situations. I will show my guy this post!
