Monday, 6 June 2016

The 'P' Word

Thanks to all of you who commented on my previous post. I hope you will forgive me for not responding to each of you individually. 

I have had the disc problem for about twenty years and generally manage it very well. I really don't know what came over me when I wrestled with the offending plant; I can only plead temporary insanity. The pain was terrible for a while but a combination of pain killers and gentle exercise took the raw edges off within a few hours. A week later, I still have some residual discomfort but am slowly getting back to normal. Many thanks for your good wishes.

Harry's decision to punish was borne out of concern for my wellbeing, as he waited for me to regain consciousness following my faint - the cause of which was entirely due to my own carelessness. Had he been able to spank me within a day or two, I have no doubt that it would have been a barn-burner. After nearly a week, however, he felt that too much time had gone by for a punishment spanking to be meaningful. Instead, I had a well-reddened bottom from a reset on Sunday morning.

That doesn't mean the predictions of a shift in our dynamic were wrong. The p-word has entered the Joneses' ttwd lexicon and it can only be a matter of time before Rosie's are very red indeed.



  1. Very happy to hear you are doing better...
    hugs abby

  2. Happy you are healing, Rosie...guess you'd better be a bit more careful in the future. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I know! I'll have to watch my step now the genie's out of the bottle.

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better. This is just one example of how things evolve as you go when it comes to ttwd, things have a way of popping up - even the 'p' word!

    1. We'd already evolved quite enough, I never really expected the p-word to come up!

  4. Oh dear. Glad you're feeling better! Dynamics do change over time, at least that's certainly been true for us.

    1. I used to read your other blog, so I know how much you've changed. I never expected to be in a ttwd relationship, it seemed to evolve all by itself.

  5. Hi Rosie, glad you are better. Did you know all our friends across the pond are off on a jaunt. I am wondering if an English jaunt is a possibility, wanna come?
    love Jan, xx

    1. I'm sure we could work something out, count me in!
      Hope you're having a fabulous time on your cruise.

  6. Hi Rosie, so glad to hear you are feeling better. Glad the punishment didn't eventuate. be very careful in future though as its obviously waiting in the sidelines.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. Thanks Lindy, I'll have to take much more care now.

  7. Gosh I'm glad you are better! I remember when I was in my 20s and I discovered some disc issues. Back then I would be put on muscle relaxants and serious pain meds. But the worst part was we were told to take to our beds. We have come so far! Now we use meds as an adjunct to gentle movement and strengthening of our supportive muscles. Not that I'm perfect but knowing when to rest and when to move is essential!
    I feel your pain! Keep getting better!

    1. I remember the bad old days of bed rest and Valium. We're so much better informed now. Exercise has done the trick, I'm better now.
      I hope things are okay with you.

  8. Glad you're feeling better re the back pain. Whatever the name of the spanking, if it's meant to remind you what you ought to or ought not to do, then it's served its purpose. My reset spankings work well to remind me of our dynamic too, and I come away feeling much more assured after.

    1. Nothing puts my world to rights quite like a reset. I won't be weeding in the borders again any time soon.
